Useful Contacts

The Beacon Surgery 
- phone
- fax

(01892) 652233
(01892) 668840
NHS 111 111
Sussex Integrated Care Board (01273) 485300
Crowborough Community Hospital (01892) 652284
Crowborough Community Hospital 
- Outpatients
(01892) 603103
Eastbourne (01323) 417400
Tunbridge Wells / Pembury 0845 155 1000
Maidstone A&E 01622 226000
Uckfield Community Hospital (01825) 769999
Grove House (Community 
And Psychiatry Services)
(01892) 669393
Boots (01892) 662127
Chappells (01892) 652012 / 668457
Morrisons (01892) 664625
Other Useful Numbers  
Age Concern (01273) 476704
Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555
Care For The Carers (01323) 738390
Disability Information Service Sussex (01273) 585575
East Sussex Social Services 0845 6010664
PALS (Patient Advice And Liaison Services) (01273) 485300
Red Cross (01825) 769343
Registrar of Births and Deaths (01892) 610079
Relate (01892) 529927
Samaritans (01892) 532323