Clinics We Offer
Health Promotion
Preventative medicine including heart disease prevention is undertaken by all the doctors with the assistance of the practice nurses and health care assistants. There are a number of specific health promotion clinics available.

Diabetic Clinic
Run by Dr Sutton and Sister Karen Gardner.

Asthma, COPD & Spirometry Clinic
Run by Sister Karn Gardner and Sister Marianne Marden-Grove.

Coronary Heart Disease
Run by Dr Ruth Ash, Sister Karen Gardner and Sister Marianne Marden-Grove.

Minor Surgery
Minor surgical procedures are carried out at the practice.

Cervical Screening
It is important for all women between the ages of 25 and 64 years to have regular cervical smears - appointment recalls will be sent out automatically at the appropriate intervals.
This procedure can be performed by the practice nurses.

Contraceptive Services
Each doctor is willing to provide full contraceptive services including post-coital contraception, and any doctor can deal with this during a routine surgery consultation.
Anyone requiring an IUCD (coil) or a Contraceptive Implant will be referred to one of the GPs who specialise in this field.

If you are pregnant either contact the surgery to see or speak to a doctor or telephone the Crowborough Birthing Centre on (01892) 664643.

Appointments for routine childhood immunisations are sent out automatically by the Health Authority. Other immunisations, such as those for influenza, are also available, and our practice nurses will be happy to advise regarding all immunisations. It is extremely important that all children are immunised appropriately.

Flu Vaccination Clinics
An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes, residents of nursing and rest homes and retired people.
Please contact the reception staff in October for details of the clinic dates and to make an appointment.

Mammography - Breast X-Ray
We advise all women to check their breasts regularly and report any abnormalities to a doctor. All women between the ages of 50 and 70 years will be invited to attend the breast screening unit for a mammogram. You will be notified of your appointment when the unit is in this area. We do urge you to take advantage of this offer. Screening does save lives.
Women outside this age range can have a mammogram where appropriate and if you are concerned please discuss this matter with a doctor.

Stop Smoking Service
One You East Sussex run a Stop Smoking Clinc and you can self refer to this clinic by following this link: